Sunday, 31 July 2011


So I'm not good at blogging. This was always going to be a random blog, and posts would never be a certainty. I remember when I was a kid, I kept a diary. And I also remember that every entry usually started with me apologizing for not writing more often. So I see this blog as a continuation of my diary days. Not much has changed. Only now I am older, slightly wiser, more grey hairs, and a few more excuses that I feel are valid ;), kinda. There aren't many certainties in life, but one thing I DO know for certain, is that I am a PROCRASTINATOR. I can't help it. It's genetic. As much as I try to overcome it, it always seems an impossibility! Anyways.....................

So much has happened lately. Kids have finished school, flooding has occurred in our village, and more importantly, my sister-in-laws. Their house was chest-high in flood waters, ridiculous. So many things are ruined.... furniture, shoes and coats washed away, a childhood of toys lost, but what's the most heart-breaking?? Pictures. Thankfully, we live in a time of computers, where most pictures can be retrieved, but it's the pictures that were before the digital era that are gone for good. Total devastation. Thankfully, my Mother-in-law has MILLIONS  of pictures, so she can fill in the gaps. But all of us ladies sit and think random things, don't we, and it's that thinking that causes us to remember random things, and for Clare, its causing heart-ache. The little letters of apology that her son would write her after being scolded, that she kept in a drawer downstairs, which was washed away. The necklace her parents made her for her Wedding Day, that had been melted down from her Granny's jewelry. Precious items that are now lost forever. I can't even begin to contemplate just how difficult it all is.

We place such an importance on our earthly things, and I suppose it's so difficult not to when this is where we LIVE, but it makes me think about heaven, and how we'll take NONE of these things with us. We store up so many treasures on earth, only for it all to be left behind. Kinda weird when you sit and think about it. I suppose a lot of it is legacy as well. Wanting people to see what we created and how we spent our time on this earth. Things that we can pass on to others to remember us by. And it is tough to not put such an importance on them. Huh.

Well, this has turned into a COMPLETELY different post than I had intended. I thought I was going to write about my kids,and Jacob's new Mohawk. I guess I'll leave that until next time. And hopefully next time will be soon. Here's to hope! 
 I'll leave you with a picture of my little peanut, and the apron that her Auntie Jenny made her. This little girl loves dress-up NEARLY as much as her oldest brother. And that's saying something. Thanks Auntie Jenny!! We love you!
 I may as well show you another one of Jacob. He too is wearing the cape that Auntie Jenny made for him. All the other items are completely random. I love the randomness of this kid. Melts my heart. Enjoy!
It's a bit fuzzy, but that doesn't mean it's not awesome. Notice how the crown on his head says Jesus Loves Me?! At least he's keeping it real. The End.